If we were to observe a golf swing at exactly 90 degrees from the plane of the swing, we would discover that a swing consists of two perfect circles, one in front of the other. Look at the diagram above. The darkened circle represents the back swing, the clear circle represents the forward swing. I teach my students how to swing the club in a circular motion (in the direction of the target), allowing the body to respond naturally to the motion of the swing.
If you were to ask any number of golfers to define a swinging motion, most of them would respond with in-depth descriptions of what they think is, or should be, happening during the 1.8 seconds or so that it takes to swing the club. Most of these descriptions are based on their understanding of modern golf instructional methods and would include all of the standard descriptions of weight shift, straight leading arm, flat leading wrist, rolling the wrists at impact, tilt - turn - and sliding of the hips, taking the club to the top, starting the downswing with a leg drive and, my personal favorite, keeping the head down.
Get a friend to assist you in the following drill:
1. Pretend to throw a baseball, hold the finish position.
2. Have your friend stand in front of you as you are facing the target where you would have thrown the ball and place a golf club out so you can grab the grip end. (I don't care how you grab it at this point, just make sure both hands are on the grip end of the club.
3. Place the club over your left shoulder (for right handed players).
4. Is this not a GREAT golf swing finish position? Your shoulders should be facing the target, your weight should be on your front foot and your right foot should be up on its toe.
You already know instinctively how to make the body respond and support the motion of a swing. See how easy golf can be?